6’3” x 8’6” Hand Knotted Wool Rug in Gold, Beige, and Red


This stylish wool rug is hand knotted and features a hearty field of gold encapsulated by thick borders of matching gold and beige. Floral and thin vining designs run the length of this rug, creating an accent piece that will appeal to just about any living space. Stout white fringe trims the short ends of this rug for additional, yet subtle decorative flair.

This rug is amongst hundreds of pieces of décor that are available at our location in Columbus, Ohio! Come in today and see the full collection.


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SKU: ZSMQ-103 Categories: , , , Tags: ,
Condition & Dimensions

Good condition. One side is faded and worn. Shows wear throughout.

6’3″W x 8’6″L

Shipping & Delivery
Interested in a shipping quote or delivery options? Reach our Sales Team at shipinquiry@grandviewmercantile.com or call (614)421-7000.