9’10” x 13’5” Machine Made Rug with Multicolor Foo Dog Pattern


This large machine made rug showcases a distinct, Asian styling and features a prominent primary field of red enveloped by an ornate inundated with beautiful floral medallions. Repeating foo dog, Chinese phoenix, and deer designs cover the surface of this charming rug, intermingling with expansive vine and floral details to deliver a cacophony of color and style that won’t go unnoticed in the traditional home. Long ivory tassels trim the shorter ends of this impressive rug.

This rug is amongst hundreds of pieces of décor that are available at our location in Columbus, Ohio! Come in today and see the full collection.


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SKU: XPRU-2132 Category: Tags: ,
Condition & Dimensions

Good condition. Shows wear throughout.

9’10″W x 13’6″L

Shipping & Delivery
Interested in a shipping quote or delivery options? Reach our Sales Team at shipinquiry@grandviewmercantile.com or call (614)421-7000.