Vintage Print of Two Women in Riverside Village
$195.00 $78.00
Antique Custom Bound Miscellaneous Magazines
$1500.00 $750.00
Antique PRISSE D’AVESNES “La Décoration Arabe” Book of Arabian Art
- Book of Arabian decoration and art collected by Emile Prisse d’Avesnes (1807-1879)
- Dated antique, circa 1885
- Edited and published by J. Savoy & Cie
- Textured black face with red spine
- Stunningly vibrant depictions of Arabian art throughout the book
- Beautifully preserved metallic embellishments
- Breathtaking quality and integrity considering age
- Signature and heraldic bookplate at the front of this book indicates that it belonged to Samuel Parsons Scott of Hillsboro, Ohio
- S.P. Scott (1846-1929) was a lawyer, banker, and scholar
- His private library contained around 8,000 volumes
- Fascinated with foreign language and culture, he has an expansive collection of related books
- Later in life, after a career as both lawyer and banker, he became more dedicated to being a scholar and writing, primarily focusing on translations
- He willed his sizable collection of books to Jefferson Medical College, which would later become Scott Memorial Library at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- A wealthy man, there is documented provenance of Scott purchasing similar books via auction at Sotheby’s
- Many aspects of Scott’s life are undocumented and unclear, so how this book escaped his collection and remained in Ohio is a mystery
This book is amongst hundreds of pieces of decor that are available at our location in Columbus, Ohio! Come in today and see the full collection.
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Categories: Antique Art, Antique Decor, Antique Décor, Eclectic Decor, Prints
Tags: Book, Eclectic, GVM Gifts, Print, Traditional & Classic
Condition & Dimensions
Good distressed condition. Scratches and wear with age throughout.
12.5″W x 16″H
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