This unique globe from Spherical Concepts is crafted from a clear lucite material to offer a more modern take on a classic piece of well-traveled décor. Exhibiting highly detailed mapping in bright candy coloring, this globe rests in a matching, three prong lucite base, allowing it to be freely arranged in any orientation. A perfect find for the travel, world history, or cartography enthusiast’s office, home, or study.

This globe is amongst hundreds of pieces of décor that are available at our location in Columbus, Ohio! Come in today and see the full collection. 


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SKU: LOL-01042401 Categories: , Tags: , ,
Condition & Dimensions

Good condition. Minor scratches and wear throughout.

14″W x 14″D x 18″H

Shipping & Delivery
Interested in a shipping quote or delivery options? Reach our Sales Team at shipinquiry@grandviewmercantile.com or call (614)421-7000.